Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crazy Day!!

Wah! Yesterday was a crazy day for me XP had PE class today, played volleyball today, Boys VS Girls... But i went and joined the girls =P and had fun seeing the guys lose to us XP
after school we had our TTSS Nite Rehearsal... Did our usual dances! But seriously, the co-host who was acting like a monkey is kinda irritating =.="

After that we all met Ivan!! He jz came back from China... =) so after rehearsal it was our football match between S1Ren and S2He!! Was a tough game but we didn't play so bad although we lost 2-0! But its all fine =) at least we all did our best! Then after the match i went home to shower and change for this Hokkien watever dinner which McMac invited me to...

After i got ready at home, went to the McSistas place which was so not at the directions u drew McMac!! Seriously!! but fortunately we did manage to find the house =) then were off!!
The dinner was ok, enjoyed my time there with McMac laughing abt Ang and this girl =P
Ang was the 1st lucky dude there to won a lucky draw prize =P never shared with us =(

After the dinner, i followed the McSistas relatives home =) then it was bed time...
and woke up today with tonsils O_O mom said it could be the food from the dinner, but its ok XP
coz im ok now =)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bad way to end my day =(

Well... today went on pretty ok... manage to stay awake on MOST of the classes =P
Hehe trust me, its already considered good!! LOL 3rd recess we went to the hall to had our last practice before our rehearsal later in the evening... and we did ok!

After school had our club for the 1st time without our man 伟义 =( so it was kinda weird...
but anyways we had our new teacher with us... which i don't really know her name! =P
Yes, our new teacher is a HER! Heard that she teaches Ballet!! X_x hope i wont be learning any of them...

So after club, we went down to the hall to get prepared for our teachers' day rehearsal!
*sigh* it was very bad =( worst than our audition!! ='( everything was wrong! The beat of the song was slower than normal which we hav no idea why and so it made us dance a lil' awkward...
Well, beside that... the floor was so slippery, and i was so careful not to fall >then my hat freaking came off!!!

*sigh* it was a really bad rehearsal... and so many of u so excited to see us dance, sorry to disappoint u all =( well after the rehearsal... all we can do now is practice more for the real show =D then we all jz went home =P lol what a bad way to end my day...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Weee!!! We're IN!!!

WAHAHAHA!! We're IN after the auditions!! So happy!! Although this was like... last Sundays new!
But hey! I'm still happy for us!! and tomorrow's the Rehearsal for our Teachers' Day!! =D
Been busy practicing lately, and hardly touched volleyball =( gonna train hard after this!
coz we're goin to this big competition in August which im so excited =D

Heh, tomorrow will be our rehearsal! =D we've added more cool moves in our dance! So i hope
it'll be more impressive so we gotta get some comments after tomorrow =P although some of our moves are risky, we must still try our best not to mess up!! Weee Good luck tomorrow everyone!!^^

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Its nearly coming to an end =D

Phew~~~ after 2 straight weeks of hard dancing training, We all finally had our Snow In My Heart performance!! (Which was GOOD =D) And now I have another performance to worry about =(
Our Teachers Day Performance...

After the Snow In My Heart, all i want is good sleep, enough rest, and a proper meal =(
But the next few days... receiving calls saying we still need to practice the dance for TD X_x

Sigh D=.... but its ok, tomorrow's the audition! so hopefully we're good enough after all the work and effort we put into this thing =D Then, finally its over and i can rest!!! ^_^